While being able to solve issues with your drains is an incredibly useful talent, it could be argued that maintaining them to a high standard is even handier.

The Problem

Blocked drain

A blocked drain in or around the home is something that can not only cause damage to your home; it can be a really smelly problem as well. If you can keep your drains functioning properly and with little problems, you’ll find that blockages and other issues rarely arise.

Prevention is usually far more effective than cure, and with these helpful tips and tricks you’ll find it far easier to keep your drains running smoothly.

How to keep drains clear

Hot water

To maintain your indoor drains, one of the easiest ways to keep them clear and free from blockages is to pour boiling water down them on a regular basis. A kettle full of boiling water once a week can be a substantial help in removing build ups of fats, oil and grease and preventing blocked drains.

If you do this regularly enough you’ll find that it keeps your drains clear and prevents the need for any drastic action because something has gone wrong further down the line.

Baking soda and vinegar

While it’s not a good idea to use strong chemical cleaners on your drains, as you can never be sure what they’ll react with and if they will damage your drains, you can use a weaker cleaner.
The best solution is a combination of baking soda and vinegar poured down the drain, followed by hot water. You will be able to hear a small chemical reaction occurring once you have done this. This reaction helps to remove stubborn dirt and grime and should be done two to three times a year as a form of seasonal maintenance.

Watch what you drop down the drains

One of the best ways to maintain your drains is by being extremely careful with what you put down them. While most drains are designed to carry waste and small items such as toilet roll, waste pipes don’t deal very well with grease and fat from food, cleansing wipes, dental floss, nappies or sanitary products.

You should be very wary about what you leave to go down your drains and should try and dispose of waste into the rubbish bin where possible. With fats and grease you can pour them into a bottle or food storage container and dispose of them into the garbage.

Clear debris from outside

If you’re trying to keep your drains outside well maintained, it’s a good idea to make sure they are clear of debris at the point at which they enter the ground. This involves checking your gullies for leaves and twigs in order to ensure that they don’t restrict water flow at any point.

Remember, if you need any further advice or professional help with drain unblocking don’t hesitate to give us a call on 07758 088472 / 01253 428865. We are always on hand to offer help and support.