Tag archive for blockages

<h1>Blocked Soil Stack?</h1>

Blocked Soil Stack?

There are several clues to a blocked soil stack problem, such as foul smells or a toilet that drains slowly. Unblocking a soil stack is an unpleasant job and it’s worth hiring a professional drain cleaning company. If, however, you want to tackle the problem…

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How to keep drains clear

How to keep drains clear

While being able to solve issues with your drains is an incredibly useful talent, it could be argued that maintaining them to a high standard is even handier. The Problem Blocked drain A blocked drain in or around the home is something that can not…

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How to unblock a bath

How to unblock a bath

There is nothing more frustrating than looking forward to a nice hot bath or shower and finding it’s not working properly. Whether your bath or shower is completely blocked or is simply taking a long time to drain, something needs to be done to ensure…

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How to unblock a sink

How to unblock a sink

Sinks are something we take for granted until something goes wrong! The Problem Blocked sink We all know how easily our home sinks get blocked and we’re all familiar with the trouble it can cause if the problem persists. Fortunately, if the blockage isn’t too severe, it…

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How to unblock a toilet

How to unblock a toilet

Follow our top tips and keep those drains moving! Love your loo: Make sure that only wastewater, toilet tissue and human waste goes down your drains and into the sewer. Bin it – don’t block it: Wrap up sanitary products, nappies, wet wipes and condoms…

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